foto tirada em Bonito - MS - vejam a linda coruja de madeira ao meu lado...
Essa linda arte fica no Restaurante Casa do João onde tem livros meus para aquisição.
O telefone é 67-3255-1212
I am!
I am a world in a miniature.
Microscopic in the appearance.
Cyclopean in the dreams.
I am!
I am the heir of the endless light.
Of love.
Of wickedness.
Of friendship.
Of envy.
I am!
I am a heroine.
I am a bandit.
I am a loser.
I am a planet winner.
Therefore, I am!
I am weeping.
I'm laughter.
I'm kindness.
I am fortunate.
I am radiant.
I am strength.
I'm hesitant.
I am inclined to evil.
I am vain.
I am the wind that whips.
I am the flower that opens.
I am the uterus that houses.
I am the dark night of darkness.
I'm the moonlight that illuminates.
I am stagnation.
I am the power.
I am inertia.
I am fertile.
I am barren swamp.
I am the green field.
I am the breast that feeds.
Pain and duty.
I am the sun that warms.
I am the water that gives life.
I am thought
That sails through the air,
By the seas,
By the ether!
I am a satellite that orbits.
What remains on death and on life,
Prolonging the diaphanous moment
Of the final encounter.
I am whispered melody
After a crescendo
I am ecstasy!
I am the aroma.
The smell.
The flower.
The pollen.
The light.
The atom.
I am.
I am you.
I am us!
I am a world in a miniature.
Microscopic in the appearance.
Cyclopean in the dreams.
I am!
I am the heir of the endless light.
Of love.
Of wickedness.
Of friendship.
Of envy.
I am!
I am a heroine.
I am a bandit.
I am a loser.
I am a planet winner.
Therefore, I am!
I am weeping.
I'm laughter.
I'm kindness.
I am fortunate.
I am radiant.
I am strength.
I'm hesitant.
I am inclined to evil.
I am vain.
I am the wind that whips.
I am the flower that opens.
I am the uterus that houses.
I am the dark night of darkness.
I'm the moonlight that illuminates.
I am stagnation.
I am the power.
I am inertia.
I am fertile.
I am barren swamp.
I am the green field.
I am the breast that feeds.
Pain and duty.
I am the sun that warms.
I am the water that gives life.
I am thought
That sails through the air,
By the seas,
By the ether!
I am a satellite that orbits.
What remains on death and on life,
Prolonging the diaphanous moment
Of the final encounter.
I am whispered melody
After a crescendo
I am ecstasy!
I am the aroma.
The smell.
The flower.
The pollen.
The light.
The atom.
I am.
I am you.
I am us!
Delasnieve Daspet
Obrigada pelo seu carinho minha Querida DD, suas poesias são bálsamos para a Alma eu me sinto muito honrada com sua postagem no BLOG! Bjos e afagos no seu coração!!! Teresinha Ferreira.